Archive 2019
The constitutional dimension of democracy within a democratic society
Francesco Bilancia
Truth and deception across the Atlantic: a roadmap of disinformation in the US and Europe
Oreste Pollicino - Elettra Bietti
The power to tax without due process of law
Angela Ferrari Zumbini
Assessment of the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures for the public sector and for private entities
Nicoletta Parisi and Francesco Clementucci
The legal regulation of surrogacy in Russia
Ekaterina Mouliarova
IJPL 2019
Volume 1
Changes in the legal sphere: rethinking transparency
Michele Cozzio
The concept of “public interest” in the case law of the Italian court of auditors
Giuseppe Franco Ferrari
Authority versus liberty in Europe: evolution of a paradigm
Leonardo Ferrara
IJPL 2019
Volume 2