European union rules governing administrative procedures LAURA MUZI Continue ReadingEuropean union rules governing administrative procedures
The European and Italian economic Constitution(s) after the recent crises: towards a new role for State powers? MONICA ROSINI & MARTA TOMASI Continue ReadingThe European and Italian economic Constitution(s) after the recent crises: towards a new role for State powers?
The judicial power: the weakest or the strongest one? A comparison between Germany and Italy. ANGELA FERRARI ZUMBINI Continue ReadingThe judicial power: the weakest or the strongest one? A comparison between Germany and Italy.
Dual preliminarity, today. Evaluating the impact of judgment no. 269/2017 of the Italian Constitutional Court DANIELE GALLO, GIOVANNI PICCIRILLI Continue ReadingDual preliminarity, today. Evaluating the impact of judgment no. 269/2017 of the Italian Constitutional Court