Università “Mediterranea” (Reggio Calabria)
Aristide Police (Neaples, 1968) is full professor of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” since 2005. He also teaches Administrative Law in the Master Courses of Public Administration of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and Energy Law in the Master Courses of the University LUISS G. Carli (Rome). He has taught Administrative Law in the Faculty of Government of the University of Teramo (1999-2005). He holds a law degree of the Law School of the University G. Carli (Rome) and a P.h.D. in Public Law of the University of Perugia (1995). He is Alumnus of the London School of Economics and Political Science (GC 1989-90).
His main research interests include the Public Enterprises, their Organization, Management and Privatization, he has been in the Group of Experts on Re-inventing Public Enterprise and its management of the United Nations (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Public Administration, New York, 2005). He has been involved in the Privatization of the Italian State owned Airline Company Alitalia (as Chairman of the Board of Directors, 2007-2008) and currently in the Privatization of the Italian State owned Shipping Company Tirrenia (as Legal Advisor).
Other fields of interest are the Antitrust Law and Administrative regulation, on which he has recently published a book (Tutela della concorrenza e pubblici poteri, Giappichelli, Turin, 2007), the Judicial Review of the administrative Action (on which he has published a two volumes monograph: Il ricorso di piena giurisdizione davanti al giudice amministrativo Cedam, Padua, vol. I, 2000 – vol. II, 2001), the Discretionary Power of public Authorities (on which he has published the book La predeterminazione delle decisioni amministrative. Gradualità e trasparenza nell’esercizio del potere discrezionale, E.s.i., Neaples, 1997).
His publications include several edited books (the last, is I beni pubblici: tutela, valorizzazione e gestione, Milano, Giuffré, 2008) and several essays, articles and notes.
He seats in the Board of Editors of Diritto Amministrativo (Law Review), and in the Executive Committee of the Italian Association of Administrative Law Professors.
Admitted to the Rome Bar in 1993, since 2001 he has been admitted to the Special Bar of the Italian Supreme Court and to the Italian Arbitration Chamber for Public Contracts. In January 2007 he joined Clifford Chance LLP as a Partner.