Università “Mediterranea” (Reggio Calabria)
I was born in Roma in 1965, where I studied law at the law school of the University “La Sapienza”. I also hold a P.h.D. in European Law of the European University Institute of Florence (1994) and was awarded the Jemolo fellowship (Nuffield College, Oxford).
My work is mainly in the fields of administrative law, EU law and comparative law. I am particularly interested in how different legal systems evolve, facing similar problems, and interact, either directly or through “regional” and global regimes. Most of my research approaches this kind of questions. The best introduction is “L’Unione europea. Un ordinamento composito” (Roma, Laterza, 2003).
In the last years, I have focused on procedural due process of law in national and international institutions. My most recent publications in this respect are a monograph just published in Italy (Al di là dei confini statuali. Principi generali di diritto pubblico globale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009), and some articles and chapter of books, including:
- Procedural Due Process of Law Beyond the State, in Armin von Bogdandy, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Jochen von Bernstorff, Philipp Dann, Matthias Goldmann (editors) The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions: Advancing International Institutional Law Springer Publ., Heidelberg 2009, pp. 965-1000
- Global Security and Procedural Due Process of Law between the United Nations and the European Union, in Columbia Journal of European Law (15), 2009, n. 3, pp. 511-530;
- The European Union’s Mixed Administrative Proceedings, in 67 Law & Contemporary Problems, 2005, pp. 197-217;
- Beyond the State: the Europeanization and globalization of procedural administrative law, in European Public Law (9), 2003, n. 4, pp. 563-578).
Current projects include: a series of papers on specific aspects of due process of law; a book on the EU administration and its legal principles (together with Claudio Franchini); a book (together with Mads Andenas) on the general principles of law in the European legal space.
I’m the convenor, with Armin von Bogdandy, of the German-Italian conferences of public law, and, with Pascale Gonod, of the French-Italian seminars of administrative law. I’m also a member of the European Group of public law (Athens), of the advisory committee of the Istituto affari internazionali (Rome), of the scientific committee of the Italian confederation of trade (Confindustria).
Finally, in the last fifteen years I have taught administrative law and EU law in several universities in Italy (Lecce, Urbino and now Naples, both “Federico II” and “Suor Orsola Benincasa”) and elsewhere (Frankfurt, Paris [Sciences-Po] and more recently the Duke Law School and Bordeaux).